“Cut the Carbs”

IFHE Global Healthcare Carbon Challenge

We reduced energy, now we're reducing GHG emissions. Is your Healthcare facility up for the challenge?

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The International Federation of Healthcare Engineering with support of Mazzetti, a sustainable healthcare engineering and consulting firm, is hosting a global healthcare carbon challenge. The goal is to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions across healthcare facilities, globally.

Awards for "best in country" and "best in world" reductions will be awarded on stage at the IFHE’s Annual Congress in Capetown, South Africa in 2024.


Why enter the challenge?

In addition to the environmental benefit of reducing GHG emissions, participating facilities will benefit from recognition and PR, literally on a global stage. Awards will be distributed on stage at the IFHE's Annual Congress in Cape Town, South Africa in 2024 and mentioned in a press release, IFHE Global Digest, and IFHE social media channels. Additionally, your facility will have continued access to a free energy and GHG emissions tracking tool during and beyond the challenge, to help you better measure and improve your respective reduction efforts.

What facilities are eligible to enter?

All facilities are eligible to enter. Any facility with a 5% or greater GHG emissions reduction, measured from 2021 as the baseline year and 2023 as the performance year, will be eligible for recognition.

How do I enter my facility?

For facilities who participated in the previous Global Healthcare Energy Challenge, select "Returning Participants LOGIN", as the data being tracked can be applied to this challenge. For new participants, select "New Participants REGISTER" to quickly enter up one or more facilities in the challenge.

How are GHG emissions being calculated?

The IFHE Carbon Challenge is focused on scope 1 and scope 2 building emissions. The amount of energy (electricity, methane, chilled water, steam, fuel oils, etc.) used on site is tracked. Then, a standard carbon emissions factor will be applied to the quantity of energy utilized to determine carbon emissions. For electricity, the standard emission factor used will be based on the location of the facility. Participants can provide an updated emission factor where the standard emission factor does not apply. (e.g., If a facility is producing onsite renewables or is purchasing energy from clean sources, or if a participant has better local information than the standard factor, the participant can update the emission factor.) Since the total square footage, energy used and emission factors may change from time to time, the IFHE Carbon Application updates calculations based on updated factors. Note, the IFHE Carbon App

When does the challenge start and end?

The 2024 Carbon Challenge is comparing a baseline year to a performance year. Calendar year 2021 (January 1, 2021 to December 31, 2021) is the baseline year and calendar year 2023 (January 1, 2023 to December 31, 2023) is the performance year. Slight modifications to the start and end of the baseline and performance year are made to accommodate billing periods as necessary.

How is my data protected?

Data is stored in the tracking application, powered by Mazzetti. Mazzetti servers are hosted in a highly secure, ISO/IEC 27001 certified cloud environment and are always up to date with the latest security patches. Their security configuration includes multiple levels of protection, including Network Security, Access Management, Treat Protection, and Information Protection/Encryption. They also use the latest SSL encryption technologies to protect your data in the application.

Data is not shared outside of the application.

Hosted by IFHE. Powered by Mazzetti.